Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chicago. Let's call it a "warm up" show.

We played an open mic in Chicago last night. Our sister Patricia came along.

At one point in the evening, she asked if all open mics are as much of sausage fests as this one.
I said, "yeah, they're usually a lot like this."
"Though in this case, it might be more due to the 1950's era pornography they're showing on all the TVs."

Yeah... That was weird.

Company - Gene returns with this popular classic.
Chelsea Hotel - Dave loves this song. I'm pretty sure I don't know how to spell it.
thE32nd (just Gene) - (13)
It's a Good Thing - The sound system was pretty awful, and we didn't do a sound check. Long story short, the guitar is very quiet, and we sound remarkably good!
Total Eclipse of the Heart - It's still epic, even if we played it 50 beats per minute too slow.
TAoCP2 - Old song, new abbreviation.
Happiness - By executive decision of Dave. I think Gene and I both wanted to sing Karate.
thE32nd ('full' band) - This place had the worst boom mic I've ever used, so no backup vocals. Also (14)

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