Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just some stuff and stuff

Katie: You remember how you used to borrow my toothbrush when you came to visit?
Me: Yeah. Why, you need to borrow my toothbrush?
Katie: No, but the dog did.

Steve: I was nonplussed.
Me: I think you're using nonplussed backwards.
Steve: Well then I was plussed.
Me: Plussed isn't a word.
Steve: Yeah it is, I plussed two and two to make 4.

1 comment:

  1. "If I had tits and a vagina, I probably wouldn't be as interested in tits and's my strong sense of curiosity that makes me the strong heterosexual man that I am.."
    "If i went to jail, I would find the most girlish looking dude, and fuck the shit out of her.."
    "I've been to jail, and even the girlish looking dudes..I couldn't shut my eyes tight enough to do something like that.."
