Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I should really be more on the ball about this

So here are the bootlegs from two days ago in Seattle. Last night's show doesn't have any recordings because I forgot the DR1 at our hosts' house.

Chris' poem - A guy named Chris came up to me before the open mic to ask if I could play some sweet guitar riffs along with his poem. I said ok. What resulted is some of the finest white-boy AABBCCDDEE... poetry you've ever heard! (Ok, maybe not finest, but it's better than For My Dad)

Adventures of Cristobal Pt. 2 - I should count my blessings that I didn't subtitle that song. Otherwise my wrists would already have fallen off from typing it.
Fat Kid Emo Pants - Sadly, all the kids (fat or otherwise) had left the open mic before we played this one.
It's a Good Thing - No Total Eclipse that night. They had a pretty staunch "no covers" policy.
I Am the Greatest - It just doesn't sound the same without the Boomerang. Wah de da, wah de da, WAAAAAAH!
Happiness - This song is quickly become the ballad I've played the most times.
Karate - Note: I am not like Jackie Chan in that movie where he had a robo-tuxedo; only in the one where he was his own twin.

Gene did a set on his own:
Company - I've got a set of those books where they mention love and parachutes. Let me tell you, that is a thrill ride!
thE32nd - (6)
Gene hasn't told me the name of this song yet - Apparently, the guy from Spirits of the Red City, whose songs all seem to be about alcoholism, broken relationships, and suicide thinks this song is pretty dark. Kudos, Gene! Kudos.

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