Monday, June 8, 2009

Cleveland bootlegs

Hooray! Recordings of our first paid gig! (in no particular order)

Buddy Holly - The Weezer classic, performed actually quite well if I do say so myself
Conspiracy - Don't sell the wife and kids to get your hands on this mp3 (it's free; that would be stupid), but it's worth a listen.
Fat Kid Emo Pants - Cutting yourself to sleep at night never gets old!
Happiness - Ballads: they're what's for dinner?
I Am the Greatest - I'll stop singing it when it stops being true.
It's a Good Thing - We hadn't quite gotten our levels set when we did this one, but it still turned out pretty well.
Our House - Words cannot express the rock! Well, they probably could, but I can't think of any right now.
The Adventures of Cristobal Pt. 2 - This is probably our best take of this song so far.
The Hand Jive - I forgot the second verse, but that's OK! I just sang the first one again.
Total Eclipse of the Heart - So. Damn. Epic!
You Had Me at Hello - The guys from Hammerloaf were at the show. They insisted we play this song. We didn't know it, so we made it up. (By "made it up," we mean "Stole Happy Wednesday's 'Free Bird' idea.")

Until next time!

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