Sunday, June 21, 2009

Zombie Dog at the Zombie House

Yesterday and today, we're in my old haunt: Eau Claire. We played behind the house I used to live in for a bunch of friends from an anime convention that I... nerdy mcnerd nerd in the nerdery with the other nerds... but I digress

Yesterday, we learned the ever important lesson of microphone placement. We now have two bootlegging devices, so the recordings should be twice as good, right? Unfortunately, we did a terrible job of placing them; the mics got completely overloaded on one, and its tracks are unusable. We salvaged the other though and got some pretty decent recordings, especially of some of Gene's stuff.

Share and enjoy.

If I Gave You a Guitar - If Gene gives you a guitar, you damn well better write him a song now!
The 32nd - It only took until the 3rd time I posted this song to get the name right!
Something in Between - Turns out Gene has a super-villain song too! Kick ass!
Summertime Roll - Some more Jane's Addictionny goodness for you.
Happiness - This ones a little quieter than the rest of our songs, so it turned out pretty well in the end.
Carpedium - Super-villains for everyone!
Fat Kid Emo Pants - Singing "I went to UWEC and gained the freshman 15" made me really sad. I did gain 15+ pounds after coming to UWEC!
It's a Good Thing - It's a passable thing. This song was mostly a sound check, so the levels aren't perfect.
Canadian Drugs PSA - A completely unironic cover, I assure you.
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Turn around Eau Claire.
The Adventures of Cristobal Pt. 2 - I hate typing out that name so much! My poor abused wrists!

We're also playing the open mic at the mousetrap tonight.

We'll be back in town July 14th.

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