Friday, June 5, 2009

Hello Pittsburgh!

Here's how yesterday went down.
  1. $10 and an hour on the Pennsylvania turnpike to just outside Pittsburgh.
  2. We get to some wacky elks club type place having an open stage blues jam night. They're giving us free pizza, everyone is really friendly, the beer is $1, we're watching the 4th game of the Stanley Cup series, the house band fires up and they're really good, it's looking like it's going to be a great night.
  3. I start to get our stuff out of the van. I don't see Steve's guitar.
  4. Steve doesn't see Steve's guitar.
  5. Steve's guitar is missing.
  6. $10 back across the Pennsylvania turnpike towards last night's venue.
  7. We find a place with WiFi, and decide we should look up the number and call ahead.
  8. They have no idea what we're talking about. Note to the Baltimore Guitar Group: let us know if you find Steve's guitar. We think somebody might have accidentally walked off with it.
  9. We take an extra thorough look through the van, pulling things out so we can make sure the guitar isn't under anything.
  10. Back on the Pennsylvania turnpike, except Steve turns the wrong direction. You can't turn around on this puppy, except illegally, which the nice toll lady advises us to do.
  11. Now we're headed the right direction, once again back to Pittsburgh.
  12. We pull over for the night, we're done. $1.60 for the turnpike.
  13. Steve says, "Where's the snare? And my pedal box?"
  14. I realize I didn't put the stuff back in the van when we looked for Steve's guitar.
  15. Back on the turnpike, $1.60.
  16. Our stuff is still there on the street.
  17. I collapse in melodrama.
  18. We call it a night before we, oh I don't know, blow up the van, or accidentally shoot the other guy, or who the hell knows what.
  19. Today we're going to $10 the turnpike, and hit up some Pittsburgh pawn shops for a new guitar.
Rock and Roll!!!


  1. Hey Zombie Dogs...
    I loved jammin with you at the BGG open mike.
    Next time you come thru town, I'll bring the fretted 5-string bass, and the BIG amp. I helped with tear down and their was no lost guitar lookin for a home. If it was left here, we'll find out where it went, and get it in your hands.
    Good Luck on your Tour,
    Marty G.

  2. Hey! Thanks, Marty.

    Hopefully we'll make it through town again soon and jam again!
